Sailor Venus
Real Name: Mina Aino
Gender: Female
Birthdate: October 22nd, present
Zodiacal Sign: Libra
Age: 14
Blood Type: B
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Likes: Birds, gymnastics, and dancing
Dislikes: Show-offs, the police, and the Negaverse / Negamoon
Favorite Colors: Yellow and red
Favorite Food: Curry
Least-Favorite Food: Shiitake mushrooms
Favorite Subject: Physical education
Least-Favorite Subjects: Math and English
Hobbies: Chasing after celebrities, playing games, and shopping
Planetary Symbol: A heart with a stem extending from the bottom, crossed by a short line
Scout Colors: Orange and blue
Gemstone: Topaz
First Appeared In: episode 29, "Sailor V Makes the Scene"

Long, long ago, during the Silver Millennium, Lita lived as the Princess of Venus. All was well until Queen Beryl and the Negaverse attacked, destroying the Moon Kingdom. Princess Serenity's mother, Queen Serenity (go figure) used the Silver Imperium Crystal to send them all to the future to be reincarnated.
In the present timeline, Mina fought crime in France as Sailor V with her guardian cat, Artemis, before coming to Tokyo. She first appeared to save the other scouts from a trap by Malachite and Zoicite, already in possession of her powers.
After defeating the Negaverse and Queen Beryl, she lost all of her memories of being Sailor Venus and didn't remember until Alan and Ann attacked her at an audition and Luna restored her memories, as well as the other three inner scouts.

"Venus, Crescent Beam, Smash!!" Sailor Venus creates two golden crescents and, touching them, unleashes a golden beam upon her target.
(First used in episode 29, "Sailor V Makes the Scene")
"Venus, Power!!" This is Sailor Venus's first transformation command.
(First used in episode 30, "A Crystal Clear Destiny")
"Venus, Meteor, Shower!!" Sailor Venus prepares to unleash a golden beam from two golden crescents, just as in her previous attack, but she charges a greater amount of energy into her right hand prior to touching the crescents. This causes the beam to split into multiple beams which curve and converge upon her target, smashing it with even more power.
(First used in episode 46, "Kindergarten Chaos")
"Venus, Star, Power!!" Sailor Venus uses this transformation command after receiving her new transformation pen.
(First used in episode 56, "Mercury Moving On?")
"Venus, Love Chain, Encircle!!" Sailor Venus gains this ability after receiving her new transformation pen. With this attack, Sailor Venus crosses her arms and conjures up a chain of linked hearts around her, then she points at her target and the chain flies forward, either ensnaring an enemy or grabbing an object.
(First used in episode 59, "A Charmed Life")

Transformation Pen This pen was given to Mina by Artemis, and it allows her to transform into Sailor Venus.
(First seen in episode 30, "A Crystal Clear Destiny")
Communicator With the appearance of a personal organizer, Lita's communicator allows her to contact the other scouts.
(Received in ???)
Transformation Pen Sailor Venus received a new transformation pen along with the other scouts when Amy was about to go to Germany. Although the new pen strengthened her abilities, she didn't use a new attack until a little later.
(Received in episode 56, "Mercury Moving On?")
Wrist Communicator At the same time that Luna and Artemis gave all the girls new transformation pens, they also gave the Sailor Scouts new wrist communicators.
(Received in episode 56, "Sailor Mercury Moving On?")

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