Sailor Mega
Real Name: Aurora Buckly
Gender: Female
Birthdate: May 5th, future
Zodiacal Sign: Taurus
Age: 14
Blood Type: B
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Mouse-brown
Likes: Video games, b-movies, and Serena
Dislikes: Stubborn people, romance novels, and Sammy
Favorite Color: Cerulean
Favorite Food: Pizza
Least-Favorite Food: Broccoli
Favorite Subject: Drama
Least-Favorite Subject: Science
Hobbies: Roller-blading, movie-going, and playing video games
Planetary Symbol: A heart with a stem extending out of the bottom, which is crossed halfway by a rightside-up crescent, representing her newfound opposition against the Negamoon
Scout Colors: Royal blue and silver-white
Gemstone: Sodalite
First Appeared In: (has not appeared yet)

Once Sailor Nega, the ruthless scout of the Negamoon, Aurora was healed by Sailor Moon, destroying the Dark Stone. This sent a shockwave of energy throughout the universe, which partially combined with the healing energy and Sailor Scout energy within Aurora to form the Mega Staff, Aurora's key to becoming Sailor Mega.

"Mega, Staff, Power!!" This is Sailor Mega's transformation command. Streaks of plasmic light surround her as she transforms.
(Not yet used)

Mega Staff Because Sailor Mega's power is mostly derived from her staff, her powers come from it as well. It's shaped as Sailor Mega's planetary symbol rotated about its axis.
(Not yet received)

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[ Sailor Nega | Sailor Mega | Sailor Sun]
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