"Mercury, Power!!" |
This is Sailor Mercury's first transformation command.
(First used in episode 5, "Computer School Blues")
"Mercury, Bubbles, Blast!!" |
Sailor Mercury releases a stream of bubbles, which burst and fill the area with fog, preventing the enemy from seeing.
(First used in episode 5, "Computer School Blues")
"Mercury, Ice Bubbles, Freeze!!" |
Sailor Mercury releases a stream of bubbles similar to her first attack, but when they burst, instead of filling the air with fog, they freeze her target solid.
(First used in episode 47, "Much Ado About Babysitting")
"Mercury, Star, Power!!" |
ailor Mercury uses this transformation command after receiving her new transformation pen.
(First used in episode 56, "Mercury Moving On?")
"Mercury, Ice Storm, Splash!!" |
Sailor Mercury gains this ability after receiving her new transformation pen. With this attack, Sailor Mercury draws water from around her and unleashes whips of ice and water upon her opponent, freezing it.
(First used in episode 56, "Mercury Moving On?")
"Mercury, Chill Wave, Trace!!" |
To find something hidden from both her V.R. Visor and mini-computer, Sailor Mercury extends her palms outwards with fingers interlocked, and produces a small drop of silvery liquid which sprouts into a stream of ice leading to the object or person she is trying to locate.
(First used in episode 71, "Dreaming of You")