Sailor Moon
Real Name: Serena Tsukino
Gender: Female
Birthdate: June 30th, present
Zodiacal Sign: Cancer
Age: 14
Blood Type: O
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Likes: Her friends, Darien, and food
Dislikes: Dentists, ghosts, and the Negaverse / Negamoon
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Food: Ice cream
Least-Favorite Food: Carrots
Favorite Subject: Home economics
Least-Favorite Subject: Math
Hobbies: Eating cake, saving the world, making friends, and playing video games
Planetary Symbol: A crescent moon
Scout Color: Gentle pink
Gemstone: Diamond
First Appeared In: episode 1, "A Moon Star is Born"

Long, long ago, during the Silver Millennium, Serena lived as Princess Serenity, in love with Prince Darien. All was well until Queen Beryl and the Negaverse attacked, destroying the Moon Kingdom. Princess Serenity's mother, Queen Serenity (go figure) used the Silver Imperium Crystal to send them all to the future to be reincarnated.
In the present timeline, Luna finally found Serena, and gave her the knowledge and power to become Sailor Moon again, because the Negaverse was attacking. She met Darien, whom she hated until shortly before she found out that he was Tuxedo Mask, her hero. Then she also found out that they were in love during the SIlver Millennium soon after he was brainwashed by Queen Beryl. Eventually, Sailor Moon destroyed Queen Beryl with the help of the other Sailor Scouts.
After defeating the Negaverse and Queen Beryl, she lost all of her memories of being Sailor Moon and didn't remember until Alan and Ann attacked and Luna restored her memories. She then battled the aliens (Alan and Ann) and their cardians, before facing off against Rubius and the Negamoon. At the same time as the new Negamoon threat, Rini appeared and Darien shortly broke up with her. After healing Rubius's four henchgirls from the future, Serena found out from Rini that she had seen the Sailor Scouts transform.

"Moon, Prism, Power!!" This is Sailor Moon's first transformation command.
(First used in episode 1, "A Moon Star is Born")
"Moon, Tiara, Magic!!" Sailor Moon removes her tiara and throws it like a frisbee, turning her enemy into moon-dust.
(First used in episode 1, "A Moon Star is Born")
"Moon, Healing, Activation!!" Sailor Moon uses this ability in conjunction with her Crescent Moon Wand to heal someone corrupted by the evil energies of the Negaverse.
(First used in episode 17, "An Animated Mess")
"Moon, Crystal, Power!!" Sailor Moon uses this transformation command after receiving the Moon Scepter.
(First used in episode 45, "Cherry Blossom Time")
"Moon, Scepter, Elimination!!" Sailor Moon uses her Moon Scepter, given to her by her first mother, Queen Serenity, to release golden crescents and make moon-dust of her enemies.
(First used in episode 45, "Cherry Blossom Time")
"Moon, Feather, Transportation!!" Wings made of feathers appear on Sailor Moon, before dispersing and surrounding those she wishes to transport. Rings of light form around her targets, expanding into cylinders, before taking them all to a new location.
(First used in episode 70, "Teacher's Pets")

Moon Locket This locket was given to Serena by Luna and it allows her to transform into Sailor Moon.
(Received in episode 1, "A Moon Star is Born")
Luna Pen The Luna Pen gives Sailor Moon the ability to disguise herself as other people in order to sneak in and infiltrate the Negaverse's schemes. However, she often uses it as personal entertainment instead.
Received in episode 2, "Talk Radio City")
Communicator With the appearance of a personal organizer, Serena's communicator allows her to contact the other scouts.
(Received in ?)
Crescent Moon Wand Once the race for the Rainbow Crystals began, Luna gave Serena this wand which allows her to home in on Rainbow Crystal carriers, but, more importantly, it also gives her the ability to heal people transformed or brainwashed by the Negaverse.
(Received in episode 17, "An Animated Mess")
Moon Scepter More powerful than her tiara, Sailor Moon's Moon Scepter was bestoweed upon her by Queen Serenity, the mother of her original incarnation, Princess Serenity.
(Received in episode 45, "Cherry Blossom Time")
Transformation Pen Although the other Sailor Scouts had had transformation pens from the time they became a scout, Sailor Moon didn't start to use one until after the Negamoon appeared.
(Received in episode 56, "Sailor Mercury Moving On?")
Wrist Communicator At the same time that Luna and Artemis gave all the girls new transformation pens, they also gave the Sailor Scouts new wrist communicators. However, Serena broke it when she ran into Lita in the hallway.
(Received in episode 56, "Sailor Mercury Moving On?")

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