"Nega, Dark Stone, Power!!" |
This is Sailor Nega's transformation command. Beams of dark light come out of the Dark Stone and encircle her while she transforms.
(First used in episode 66, "Sailor Nega Changes Moons")
"Nega, Dark Stone, Drain!!" |
Sailor Nega shouts this to drain anyone of his or her energy, which is stored in the Dark Stone. She needs this energy in order to monsterize humans.
(First used in episode 66, "Sailor Nega Changes Moons")
"Nega, Dark Stone, Monsterize!!" |
Sailor Nega cries this to transform humans into slaves of the Negamoon. They become hideous monsters who do whatever Sailor Nega commands them of. She can even use this command to turn the Sailor Scouts into nega-slaves, but only when they're not transformed, because their scout form protects them from her power.
(First used in episode 66, "Sailor Nega Changes Moons")
"Nega, Dark Stone, Transport!!" |
Although most henchmen and generals of the Negaverse and Negamoon can just disappear without a command, Sailor Nega somehow is unable to. She harnesses dark energy from her Dark Stone and transports herself to a new location.
(First used in episode 66, "Sailor Nega Changes Moons")
"Nega, Dark Stone, Hypnotize!!" |
Sailor Nega unleashes dark energy from her Dark Stone into the eyes of her vicitm, persuading the human to do her bidding without the need to transform him or her into a monster. However, this ability requires a great amount of Sailor Nega's own energy, which is why she uses it rarely.
(First used in episode 66, "Sailor Nega Changes Moons")